You are light running from darkness. You cant stop or they will catch up to you. Keep going and don't give up. This is for the Tavern game jam.

Everytime you see the player onscreen , just move and be ready

Please tell me if there is any bugs or crashes.

 sometimes you have to look up.

This was a solo development

(First game jam)


W/Up Arrow to reverse gravity

D/left Arrow to move

Xbox A / (PS5/PS4) X to reverse gravity

I have been working on this game for 3 days non stop

I would really appreciate a donation ($1)


Remember what goes around comes around

All sounds from Pixabay

Made by the easy game engine Godot


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I like the concept of playing with light for this theme. Not sure if I am doing something wrong but I can't seem to influence the game. Nice intro!

Thank you!